
Theoretical Focus of SHBE Network

Theme I: Building physical system and environment modeling

Theme II: Human behavior modeling

Theme III: Social/policy impact modeling

Theme IV: Dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) and business ecosystem modeling

Theme V: Model integration and validation

ThemeVI: Sustainability Education


DIBBS Project

SHBE network researchers are part of research team of a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded $4M DIBBS grant: VIFI: Virtual Information-Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI) for Data-Driven Decisions from Distributed Data, in which the case studies in the area of Sustainable, Resilient Human-Building Ecosystems (SRHBE) are to be developed and tested using the VIFI platform.  Led by SHBE RCN Co-PI, Prof. William Tolone of University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the research team members are in the fields of engineering, architecture, computer science, astronomy, earth science and health science, and from Nova Southeastern University, University of North Texas, Louisiana State University, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Carnegie-Mellon University, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
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