Theme V: Model integration and validation

The ultimate goal of this network effort is to explore the new modeling methodology that enables the effective integration of interdisciplinary data models and rigorous validation of model predictability.This theme focuses on the analysis of model integration techniques, developed at the different disciplinary interfaces, advance of those techniques in the human-building ecosystem level, and validation mechanism through network activities.

The methodological foundation of this theme lies in observations based on the following limited interdisciplinary integration efforts: 

  • Integration of the human dimension in product and process modeling in green building design.
  • Dynamic life cycle energy information modeling (see also in Themes I and III), a vertical integration through timelines.
  • Various validation projects under in different institutions over the world. Many of them were based on a building constructed as a test bed with a large number of sensors to capture the real-time data of building performance. Examples include Information Technology Enabled Sustainability Test-bed (ITEST) at Carnegie Mellon University, new office buildings at U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory as a test bed, and the Zero Energy Research Laboratory at the University of North Texas. Although each project usually focuses on the local characteristics, a national and global network effort to share the validation methodology could accelerate the advance of science in this area.

The network will explore the important model integration issues and validation methods, especially those employing non-traditional data such as human factors.