The NSF-funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) in Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) announces its second international workshop on Putting Sustainability into Convergence: Connecting Data, People, and Systems with a special focus on social science, engineering and computer science integration. Long-term sustainability requires technology advancements, resilient infrastructure, adequate policy, and behavioral change. The main objective of a sustainable and resilient infrastructure is where a multitude of resources can be dynamically shared and individual behavior be incentivized to better meet community needs. While focusing on underserved groups, the intention is to improve overall quality of life and well-being by providing adequate access to infrastructure and services. Inspired by the NSF vision, this international workshop proposes convergence research that is built upon trans-, inter-, and multi-disciplinary concepts including two main characteristics: Challenges and opportunities from deep scientific questions and critical societal needs, and intensive integration across disciplines.
Participants are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to address numerous societal challenges through interdisciplinary research and collaboration through a wide range of sustainability topics and innovative and integrated methodologies. We encourage social scientists, engineers, computer scientists, architects, policy makers, and industry members to address the following topics, but not limited to:
Socio-technological integration: Tackling the challenge of jointly addressing both sides of the social-technological frontier in residential and commercial buildings, renewable energy adoption, and policy implications. Topics could include energy demand and practices, renewable energy adoption, resilience connecting social factors and technology, politics, governance, and management of urban infrastructure, and buildings. Both theoretical and empirical research are welcome.
Energy justice and sustainability: Discovering the challenges in energy affordability, accessibility and promoting adoption of new energy technologies among underserved communities and all populations. The insights in the challenges of integrating engineering, technology design and research with underserved communities are particularly needed.
Big data research and challenges: Investigating innovative methodologies for developing large-scale databases and associated analytic tools that are critical for addressing societal and sustainability issues, technology adoption, resilient infrastructures, economic growth and policy development. Demonstrating innovative methodology to connect data, people and systems is essential including the feedback loop connecting between social science, engineering and computer science research. Examples could be the adoption of a social behavioral survey on household energy consumption to model energy patterns, power demand and load and customer segmentation to improve design of demand response design, energy policy, and grid technology adoption, as well as power grid system resilience and smart home management systems.
Workshop Venue: Kent Ridge Guild House, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Workshop Hotel (the group rate offerred): Park Avenue- Rochester:
To receive the group rate, the reservation must be done by completing the reservation form (download here) and email it to
Public Transportation Information to reach National University of Singapore (NUS) Campus:
Workshop Venu Map and related information:
Important Dates
RCN-SEES-SHBE Intl. Workshop January 28-29, 2019
Abstract Submission Open Until November 1st, 2018 (Extended to Nov. 17, 2018)
Early Registration is closed.
Regular Registration Fee: US$125 (ASHRAE Singapore Chapters member, please enter the discount code provided to you by your chapter to receive a discount rate.)
Participants can submit abstracts by sending email to as well as online through the registration link provided here.
Onsite registration is available upon request!
Submit your inquiry, RSVP or Registration form (Register Here) and
Abstract via email to:
Chair: Chien-fei Chen ( ), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Co- Chair : Khee Poh Lam, National University of Singapore
Advisory Committee:
Yong X. Tao, Nova Southeastern University
Carol Menassa, University of Michigan
Omer T. Karaguzel, Carnegie Mellon University
Yimin Zhu, Louisiana State University
Daniel Hii, National University of Singapore
Staff Support: Suraj Talele, Cell:940-735-5804